Hello i truly apologyse for the things i have done like i wouldnt call it harrasing but something simelar to that but i am sorry for harrasing mods and i guess making bad jokes i know that was and for someone that didnt feal like a joke but i am sorry for that so if you could forgive me for that i would be happy and i will never "harass" people and i feal like i would wrote a somilar ban appeal like my previos one but i just added a litle more
But i have 1 request and that is for MEATAL to be less mean at me and if he is the only mod avalibe than i dont want him talking to me and please if you do dicide to unbane me
And try to not make me mad agian like METAL did and this is not harassing he just wants me to get mad i guess so dont involve me and METAL anymore
Aslo exuse my bad english i am still learning
Last edited: 10 months ago