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t0the4rk Senior Moderator
Registered:12 months ago
Last Seen:25 days ago
Profile Views:303
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Hello Yuki!

We've reviewed your application and after observing you for a while, we've decided that you're a good fit for the helper role!
We're super happy to have you here and look forward to working with you. You will receive your helper role as soon as possible.


Application for the Position Moderator about 1 month ago

Hello Chleba, thanks for your patience.

We've decided to unban you, although keep in mind that at this point forward we won't have to give you warnings before a ban takes place if the severity of the action is serious enough to warrant it regardless if you've been warned or not. It's your responsibility to choose how you behave and It's our responsibility to ensure DeadMC is a safe, friendly place for everyone. You've received a fair share of warnings before so by now you should know our rules and what is okay and what isn't. It's a family friendly server and we need to keep it as such.

And next time, please don't start messaging individual staff members about your ban on forum or discord. We've said it numerous times that harassing us won't make your ban appeal response any faster and can actually end up being the reason it will get denied for. We're saying this for your own sake, so please don't take it personally!


Ban appeal 2 months ago

Inviting your friends to our server solely for the purpose of harassing a player makes you as much responsible for what happened as they are. Especially since you're an old player and should know the rules by heart which you always choose to ignore instead.
I've explained many times why even if you didn't know their true intention you got banned - which is because you've instigated the fight and participated in it and then invited them to harass the player.

Being a supporter or spending an x amount of money on our server doesn't make you immune to rule breaking and we always judge our members fairly regardless of rank. It's your responsibility to obey our rules, and we've stated clearly the consequences of not doing so. It was your choice how to handle the situation and now you're handling the consequences. You're not entitled to receiving all your money back just because you broke a rule and you don't agree with the punishment that came from it.
Threatening us is no way to appeal and further avoiding the responsibility just proves you're saying what we want to hear without meaning a single word of it and require a long time to mature into realizing that your decision could have costed someone their life.

Our decision is final and because you're choosing to argue us on it and resort to threats, further arguing will result in locking this topic.


ban appeal 2 months ago

I understand this can be hard on you to hear this, but unfortunately you've had more than one chance to reflect on your behavior throughout the years and the many issued bans to grow. This situation was not only severe, but also proof that "sorry" won't be enough to fix it this time. I'm sorry, but our decision will be final to deny you future ban appeals.

Allowing you back in would disregard what the victim went through and would cause many to feel uncomfortable and at risk of it happening to them as well, something we cannot risk or allow to happen again given how dangerous it is. To keep our community safe, we had decided that this is for the best.


ban appeal 2 months ago

I understand this can be disheartening to hear after putting in so much money and work, and while I understand it may be hard to let go, but I believe It's best for us to move on and for you to find a different server to play, because while you truly may have not intended for this situation to become this serious, it is your responsibility to bear, as you have invited them to our server to gang up on a player instead of raising a ticket. The whole DDoSing and doxxing part is the cherry on top that makes this even more unforgivable than it was before, and for the safety of our players, we can't allow this to happen again. Having you on the server would be dangerous and would cause a lot of uncomfortable feelings given what you had done. It would be unfair to the victim to just allow you back like nothing happened after a simple "sorry".

This is a consequence of this choice, as you've played DeadMC since 2021 and are well acquainted with the rules and still chose to try and find loopholes around them a day prior only to escalate a fight when it left a sour aftertaste in our players and tell your friends to join in on that.
This is behavior that has been present for 3 years and you've had more than enough bans to learn from it. Unfortunately our decision is final.

Have a nice day, and take care.

Public Nuisance Ban (Pending Ban) 2 months ago