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Ban Appeal
Topic Locked
Thy_best_beast Member
2 posts
1 topics
about 1 year ago

Lets start this off strongly, Its been 2ish years since the ban and a good couple months since my last message here. At this point i cant remember the details on the ban so it doesn't feel right trying to recall them here. My apologies have been said previously, I still stand by them. At this point i dont play Minecraft much anymore but would love to see how far the server has come. Recently i found myself in a moderation position on a discord server of over 1.5k members and will most likely go further. People change and I hope I am one of those people.

Sincerely -Cat

Orion Senior Moderator
12 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Hi Cat,

The response to your previous ban appeal has already expanded on why you're banned permanently. The same applies now.

Considering you suddenly have trouble remembering the reasons of your ban and the response to your past appeal(s), there is no clear proof of development.

Regardless of that proof of improvement, I can ensure you that the reasons were serious enough to keep the ban instated. As said though; that conversation has already been had on ban appeals multiple times.

Good luck,


Thy_best_beast Member
2 posts
1 topics
about 1 year ago

Thank you for the response and no offence, even though objectively you are wrong. "suddenly" implies it hasn't been over 2 years, at this point I can remember better than you however some of the reasons were so unbelievable stupid that I thought it looked better on your part not to state them. " expanded on why you're banned permanently" I no longer have access to the appeal due to the swap so please, enlighten me. If it is useful for you i can tell you in detail every offence, and every reason why it should have never counted.

Honestly Orion I am not satisfied with this answer, From a moderation position that is poorly written. We both know I have no access to old appeals or responses. Restate the reasons for my permanent ban. Remind me of the reasons which I still know, I am just no longer going to sugarcoat them. Your workaround with "i can ensure you" means nothing without proof, Show me proof if you want to keep my respect.


Last edited: about 1 year ago
Snicko Admin
108 posts
14 topics
about 1 year ago

Hi Cat,

I understand that you are seeking clarification on the reasons for your permanent ban. Allow me to provide you with a summary of the reasons that led to your ban from the server.

Two years ago, you were banned due to a severe case of bullying behavior, which had a negative impact on the community. These actions were considered serious violations of our server rules, as they created an unwelcoming and harmful environment for other players.

While you mentioned that you no longer have access to the appeal details, it is important to note that the previous ban appeal process thoroughly discussed and addressed the reasons behind your ban. The decision to impose a permanent ban was made after careful consideration of the severity of the situation and its impact on the community.

I appreciate your claim of personal growth and your involvement in a moderation position on another server. However, given the serious nature of your past actions and the time that has passed since your ban, we will need to see substantial evidence of your positive development and a clear demonstration of improved behavior before considering any changes to your ban status.

If you genuinely believe that you have changed and would like to provide evidence of your growth, we encourage you to outline specific actions you have taken to develop better social skills and foster a positive and inclusive gaming environment. Please keep in mind that any decision regarding your ban status will ultimately be made by the staff team as a whole, taking into account the overall welfare of the community.

Best regards,


Orion Senior Moderator
12 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Snicko has said things quite eloquently. However, I also want to add: accepting declinations, accepting no's, are also a proof of behaviour. You're aware that there's been multiple ban appeals in the past that have been quite extensive and have explained why the decision was made to keep it permanent. The idea that your presence has simply been too harmful has never stopped you from returning - or at least, trying to.

Your response is about me keeping your respect. This is not about respect, nor do I have any desire to keep yours (why would I? Respect is a human decency, if someone doesn't want to give that, that's on that respective person. And again: as it's apparently the case that giving basic respect is an issue and/or conditional to you, the character progress you've made doesn't seem aligned with the rules of the server). It's also not about demanding things or sugarcoating. It's about being able to look at what you've done and evaluating on why you think you're able to move beyond from it.

You have attemped to do that in the past, the answer was that unfortunately, for the well-being of the server, it's better if that door remains closed. That has been said multiple times. Having trouble accepting that is not confirming good character, nor is demanding, disrespecting or vowing not to sugarcoat ban reasons.

Take care,


Last edited: about 1 year ago
Orion Senior Moderator
12 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Hi Cat,

The staff have had another discussion on your appeal. We've decided, once more, that the door to DeadMC remains closed. It has been mentioned before on your ban appeals that your behaviour was problematic and harmful enough to discourage us from ever allowing you back to the server.

As a sidenote, your responses in this thread also offer another look at hostile communication, the focus on 'keeping or earning respect', a demanding attitude and more. Regardless of this thread though, the answer in the past has been no and it will remain as such.

Although you are, of course, the person most aware of the progress you may or may not have made, we don't deem DeadMC the place for you to experiment this new attitude. A better option is a new environment, where you can really start with a new slate.

This really is the final say on your ban appeal. I mention this specifically, because we have answered before that we don't (and will not) accept your ban appeal(s), that we think you may fare better elsewhere. However, you still keep making ban appeals. Because of that I want to let you know once more that this really is the final, permanent say.

The ban remains permanent. Future ban appeals will be locked as a final verdict has been given.

On a more personal note, I want to thank you for your motivation and I really wish you luck for the future.


Last edited: about 1 year ago