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I got muted for dumb stuff
Topic Locked
YonderBobcat211 Member
20 posts
4 topics
about 1 year ago

hey Brownie , Snicko

I got angry and said about the bounty thing. 

A mod by the name of danikat17 muted and banned both of us even after i closed the topic when DEATH said.

Then she muted both of us for OFFENSIVE_LANGUAGE and banned both of us for 30 months.

I hope you remember about the fight with fabstapizza_yt and none of the mods did the steps above.

I cannot see in the rules that anyone can get permanently banned for fighting for a deal. 

Hope you look from our point of views and do something about it.

Also brownie this is my discord: Agent47#5037, please contact me as soon as possible.




Last edited: about 1 year ago
danikat17 Senior Moderator
9 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Hey Brownie,

Your ban stems from many issues. You have disregarded staff warnings time and time again, resulting in many mutes for your chat behavior. You continue to push the limits. It is also your responsibility to read and understand the rules. I myself warned you about your behavior, in chat, and reminded you to read the rules on a different occasion. To add, your comment of *wink Love ya Yonder, does show that you were aware of the state of the "deal," which, as you stated, is against the rules. Your ban of 3 days. Please note that if you have another ban after this one, it will be a permanent ban.

See you in three days after you've read the rules and revised your behavior.


Last edited: about 1 year ago


BrownieAndAtlas Member
20 posts
3 topics
about 1 year ago


All my friends read this, idk if u will but pls do

ok I fr gonna go now





to anyone thinking of joining this server


know this because I made this mistake and I don't want u to make it too ^-^

Minecraft itself is a game that takes ur time, it will never be fulfilling, I see that now. you can spend all nighters and such on. a game only to feel worse than u started. Especially this server, the staff are too quick to take action, they don't consider what could happen, its just a game to them. I understand your love for this game, I too find it fun, somewhere I can stop worrying about life, somewhere I can beat borredom. But I promise u, and I am witness to this... Its not enough to run away from life, face it head on, stop wasting your time and do something that doestnt leave you wondering, What am I doing with my life! You can do this. 
Wether I am unbanned or not, I have decided to stop playing Minecraft all together, I have made so many friends through this game :)

Thank you to

R_bort for being my friend and staying with me through it all

SuperLauch, even tho we had a big argument over how our team should be lead, in the end I valued u more than the team, Im sorry it ended like that

DarthGraham for helping me through a war, for being my friend

Angus, thank you for staying loyal even when it seemed like things were wrong also I had a really tasty Angus burger a few days ago, wanted to tell u but u never came on

Yonderbobcat, even tho we had arguments, I know I can still call u a friend, through it all, u were a very kind soul to me 

Death, we weren't really friends cuz u just threatened to kill me all the time and it was really funny to call u deaf, good times man, good times, ill miss u too

Man I can't keep doing this list lol, its like quitting skyblcok all over again, that final jump off that mountain brought tears

thank you to

A_rouge_forklift because u were one of the only good mods on, you actually cared about us and didn't see us as a pathway to money

Ender for being someone who I could trust, even tho u stole from me, you were someone I knew always had my back

thank you to

nugget for making the game a little more fun, knowing u were always behind me trying to kill me at every turn was exciting, thank you

thank you to

Lukas for being my friend, truly, I was undeserving of your friendship, and undeserving of your trust

I think that's everyone but I prob missed someone, look point is, I made so many friends through out this server. It might have just been a game but I really considered you guys as friends. You guys were like family to me lol. I still remember all those times when we swam through the deepest of caves, brought genocide to the wardens of the server, fought against so many wars. Good times

It was good times lol


You guys were so kind to me, and I am so grateful for u guys :)


There are so many things I wanna say and not enough time to say it all

it brings such pain to my heart to have to let it all go

here's one final poem for u guys lol

one final poem that will say everything I want to say


the time has come for us to part, And though it breaks my heavy heart, I know it's for the best, my friend, As you embark on a new trend.

The thought of being without you, Makes me feel so sad and blue, But then again, I feel such joy, For all the things that you'll enjoy.

I'm grateful for the time we spent, For every moment, every scent, For all the laughs and all the tears, For every moment through the years.

I'll miss your smile and your embrace, Your warmth and kindness, your grace, But most of all, I'll miss the way, You made me feel, day by day.

Please know that you'll be in my heart, And though we'll be miles apart, I'll always cherish our friendship so, And I'll always love you, don't you know?

(Ill come on to give away all my stuff when im unbanned, if anyone still wants to play this server, go ahead, I can't make eu do anything, but choose what will bring u fulfillment!) 
to me I find fullfiment in god but to others it could be a spouse, a job, a dream, we all have things that bring us joy, and I just wanted to say, breathe, take a step back, look at what you want to do, and say I will do everything to reach it!

(and yes xd_lazer) ill come on to pay u ur money back lol)


Stay kind, stay strong and maybe ill see u guys again


But for now, this is goodbye

And even as we say our farewells

our friendship

will never die


Goodbye, love u guys



oh yah u too Lukas, love u too 

YonderBobcat211 Member
20 posts
4 topics
about 1 year ago

and what about my thing and also tell me WHEN ON EARTH DID I HARASS YOU?


YonderBobcat211 Member
20 posts
4 topics
about 1 year ago

well i think u got consufed with nests and eggs . Also nvm i cannot let my progress go away like this

danikat17 Senior Moderator
9 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

hey Brownie , Snicko

I got angry and said about the bounty thing. 

A mod by the name of danikat17 muted and banned both of us even after i closed the topic when DEATH said.

Then she muted both of us for OFFENSIVE_LANGUAGE and banned both of us for 30 months.

I hope you remember about the fight with fabstapizza_yt and none of the mods did the steps above.

I cannot see in the rules that anyone can get permanently banned for fighting for a deal. 

Hope you look from our point of views and do something about it.

Also brownie this is my discord: Agent47#5037, please contact me as soon as possible.





You have been previously banned for public nuisance for inappropriate behavior towards staff. You have pushed chat rules and received several warnings from several staff members regarding the rules. Your warnings and chat behavior resulted in several mutes. This is a continued pattern of problematic behavior. Your ban appeal should be focused on how you are going to improve your behavior and time on the server, not point fingers at other players. At this time, your ban appeal has been denied. You may reapply in two weeks. Please make a separate post when doing so.



River Member
1 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Stop being rude, especially to staff. Just because you're upset you got in trouble gives you no right to be nasty to a senior mod doing her job. Being rude doesn't get you anywhere, in anything.

Snicko Admin
108 posts
14 topics
about 1 year ago

I've said it on previous appeals, but I'll reiterate here.

DeadMC is proud to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone. We value our community and have a supportive community that has been around for over 5 years. Our staff are players like yourself that want to ensure our community upholds to our values. They will always give multiple chances as we understand people can make mistakes.

However there's cases where some players don't learn from their mistakes, and behaviour that doesn't adhere to our community values is repeated time and time again.

Our door is always open for reappealing if you understand the impact you've had on the other players, and genuinely want to change that behaviour in the future.