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rollingdeathball Member
Registered:7 months ago
Last Seen:about 1 month ago
Profile Views:168
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hi this is Rollingdeathball, id like to apply for staff because id love to help out where ever i can and i moderate one of my friends servers giving me some experience. I want to join for the fun of and to help and i like moderating thank you for your time and consideration 




staff APP 5 months ago

im very very sorry for what i said earlier he said something that really upset me and i feel bad for what i said im just uncomfortable repeating what he said

also i swore because i just am allowed to IRL but not online in DEADMC this is a issue i work on and struggle with day by day i cannot believe i called him what i did and i apologize dead MC is my favorite server ever i am only 12 after all. thank you to whoever takes time from their life t oread this 


ban appeal 7 months ago



ban appeal 7 months ago

im very very sorry for what i said earlier he said something that really upset me and i feel bad for what i said im just uncomfortable repeating what he said

also i swore because i just am allowed to IRL but not online in DEADMC this is a issue i work on and struggle with day by day i cannot believe i called him what i did and i apologize dead MC is my favorite server ever i am only 12 after all. thank you to whoever takes time from their life t oread this 

ban appeal 7 months ago