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Ban appeal: sorry
Default_69 Member
8 posts
5 topics
about 1 year ago

Dear DeadMC staff team, 

I was banned today due to X-ray hacking for diamonds, and wish I had never done so. I don’t know why I had done it, when I could’ve easily bought the diamonds or asked others. No matter what I could’ve done, I hacked on the server and have violated the rules. I wish to stay a part of the DeadMC community, as it is the only server I’ve stayed on for this long, and feel that I have bonded with many on the server. If my ban is appealed, I will return all of the diamonds, and if I am ever caught for this reason or any reason again, I will not ask for an appeal. I also acknowledge that I can not join the staff team, but I would truly like to stay a part of this server.


Last edited: about 1 year ago
danikat17 Senior Moderator
9 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago


We appreciate the time you put into your appeal and the honesty of your words. However, this was your second offence for using an xray hack. You were given a second chance for this behavior before, yet you willfully did it again. You have been an established player for several months and are well aware of the rules. Furthermore, you testified your own understanding of the rules when you applied for the Helper position. At this time, your appeal is denied.

You are welcomed to reappeal in the future if you wish.


contyper Member
5 posts
3 topics
about 1 year ago
