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Hello i got banned
Chleba1 Member
22 posts
3 topics
10 months ago

Hello I've realized that i have done something terribly wrong and i want to apologyse for that so i am sorry for what i have done about 14-15 days ago.

And if you did decide to unban me from the Minecraft server i would appreciate that you would unban me from the discord server becuse i cant join in.

Also wont say anything like that ever agian but if i do say it please just give me a warning dont ban me that fast like give me a way to repay you for what i have said.

I know you said to make this Ban Appeal in 30 days but i just want to play on the server soo bad.

And i also apologyse for me making fun of mods or that i made them like cry or something like that so i am realy sorry.

Please accept this apology


t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
10 months ago

Hello Chleba! ^^
We'll review your ban appeal as a team and let you know of our decision.
In the meantime, don't forget to revise our rules to stay up-to-date with them.


Chleba1 Member
22 posts
3 topics
10 months ago

Can i get an ubdate please

t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
10 months ago

Hello Chleba!

We've discussed your ban appeal, and I think It's great that you reflected on your actions and apologized for them properly. We appreciate your politeness and accountability that you showed in this ban appeal! It shows you've matured since your last ban appeal and It's nice to see! :)
However, there are some issues that surfaced after you've made this ban appeal that convinced us that it might be too early to let you come back.

You've been harassing staff members about your ban appeal and getting your friends to do the same every time you posted a ban appeal, which was two times. You also insulted and targeted other staff members *again* despite being told this was unacceptable in your previous ban appeal and made an alt account to join our discord server to make a ticket to ask us when we will notify you of our decision. As you know, alt accounts aren't allowed and you've been told time and time again that asking us to reply or when will we reply won't change our answer - each one of us has different time zones and a life outside the internet, so It's hard to determine when we will come to a decision together.

You repeated the very actions that you apologized for in this ban appeal, and this tells us that you need to think about whenever you really mean the apology or just say what we want to hear. For now, I'm gonna have to deny your ban appeal for reasons listed above. You're welcome to write another ban appeal once you read my message and think about the situation that occured.