Hello there! I am Jason aka Lukas8. I am writing this on Monday, March 13 2023 at 7:45 AM. . I am a Christen and love helping people. I am involved in Dare2Share an organization trying to spread the gospel all over the world. I am also involved with my local police department! I want to in law enforcement K-9 unit, do that for a few years, settle down, marry, and become a writer. That is my plan. My hobbies are I love reading books and hiking, camping, and anything outdoors! I really enjoy meeting people and am also a public speaker. I go with my family to large events to speak about my Aunt. I am homeschooled and mostly on the DeadMC every day. I have discord, email, and a phone so I can communicate in many ways. I am usually on top of most messages responding to them an hour or maybe thirty minutes after they were sent. Would say that I am very friendly. I mean I have been told I am too friendly it creepy :D! (That was a joke) but I have been told I am way too trusting. Anyway now to some Minecraft facts!
Ps. I am a comedian I love to make people laugh! :D
I have been playing Minecraft for years and I just can't play single-player anymore. I have to be on a server! I have been with the server for two months. Three months? I know the server well and just finished learning how to actually claim a plot. (That took forever) I am the mayor of the town of Redemption. My favorite thing about Minecraft is just meeting people and getting to know people. Everybody has a story. And stories were written to be told. I love to hear about others' stories and am actually writing a biography of myself mainly to make me look like your average Elf idiot! (That's a joke. The book is to make people laugh) Oh my gosh, I can't believe I never said anything about my Elfish blood! The quick story if you don't mind! I have some really pointy ears. Pointier than most so one day my cousin called me an Elf. So it is kind of a joke. People ask "What do you identify as?" I say "Elf!" Anyway, thank you for listing to my short story! (More where that came from!) Also sorry I get off topic really fast. Anyway, I enjoy playing DeadMC for a few reasons. The first is that I like how you can't curse on this server. I hate cursing. Second. Everyone on the server is more or less friendly. Third. I love how you can create your own towns and I love how you can join towns and make truces! Forth. I like the ranks. I do not actually have one yet but I am willing to donate one once I get the money!
So I hope that I can be of service to this server. I love and enjoy this server very much. I would love to be a helper and help out as much as I can! As long as redstone is not involved! I also hope you got a laugh or two out of reading this :). I hope that I am at least considered for the Helper position and if I am not I say Congrats to the one who is! And try again later. I wish you a very good day or night.
Your elfish friend Lukas8
I apologize if my application is a tiny bit long. :)
Last edited: 5 months ago