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Ban Appeal For (Artorius05)
Artorius05 Member
4 posts
3 topics
12 months ago

Dear DeadMC Administration Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My Minecraft username is Artorius05, and I am writing to appeal a ban that was imposed on my , and I sincerely apologize for any disruption or inconvenience caused Due to a specific family member under my roof.

As of right now I should be on my way to a new house away from my siblings with a different parent, to prevent further complications If the ban ends up being lifted.

In addition to expressing my sincere apologies, I am also willing to accept any appropriate consequences for my actions. Whether it be a temporary suspension or permanent restrictions placed on my account, I am committed to demonstrating my willingness to abide by the rules and rebuild trust within the community.

Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to the possibility of being reinstated on DeadMC.

Sincerely, Artorius05

t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
11 months ago

Thank you for making an appeal. We will notify you of our decision when we make it together as a team.
In the meantime, make sure to revise our rules.


Snicko Admin
108 posts
14 topics
11 months ago

Hi Artorius! As this was your first offence, we have decided to adjust the ban time to 2 weeks, from the original date of the ban. Please review the rules before you join back. Hope to see you online again soon :)