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Application for the Helper Role
KarmaHellhound Member
1 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

Hello, I am Karma (AKA KarmaHellhound) I am 19 years old (the big 20 in October) and I am Australian. Currently I am currently unemployed and looking for a job, but I'm a volunteer Firefighter and a Emergency Services Adult Leader. It is a volunteer organisation who's job is to educate children between the ages of 12-17 about all the different Emergency Services around Australia. For example, we teach children about all the different branches of Police, the Paramedics job, how a Firefighter's truck operates, how Surf Lifesaving rescues people that are drowning and many more. I have been playing Minecraft for many years now, I used to watch YouTubers play it all the time when I was a kid, but I looked up to DanTDM the most and he was the reason I begged my uncles to buy me an account, once they did I played it non stop, from when I got home from school to the time I had to go brush my teeth. Once a friend told me about an amazing zombie apocalypse server, I had to join and I loved it ever since. It has helped me ever since and I want to give back to the server and the newer players as a helper and hopefully, one day I will be able to give back to newer players with help as a helper, and remove those who sought to ruin the fun of other players.

A little more about me

I rarely play Singleplayer when I play Minecraft. the only time I do is when I'm having fun with mods. Like the Better End mod, Demon Slayer mod and many more.

i love listening to music. specifically rock and other variations of rock/metal. Some of my favourite bands include Falling in Reverse and Set It Off.

LIGHTNING ROUND: I love watching anime and reading manga, I am a gamer by heart (none of the which console is better stuff, I play all of them), I LOVE playing D&D, I even have an addiction with collecting board games and card games, I sometimes stream games (but not often) I'm 6ft, I occasionally workout, I'm trained in boxing, partially trained in Muay Thai and Hapkido.


Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Thank you for listening to my ted talk and that's all folks

Snicko Admin
108 posts
14 topics
over 2 years ago

Hi Karma! Another Australian, nice!! I feel DeadMC is heavily US based so that's really cool. I too am a big rock/metal fan 🤟

It's so great to have you in our community.

Thanks so much for applying! We'll be in contact about the application as soon as possible ☺