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squishmyface1 Moderator
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Registered:9 months ago
Last Seen:18 days ago
Profile Views:119
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Thanks for clarifying WINGHERO and for your fast response! looking forward to hearing from you :). 

Junior Moderator Application 9 months ago

Hello DeadMC Staff!

I'm Squish, I've just celebrated my 20th birthday and live in Western Australia. I have been an active member of DeadMC since 13/3/2021. In the last two and a half years I've become a well known user on this server, have made many friends and am a donator (emperor). I am hoping to be considered for a Junior Moderator role on your server.

I first started playing minecraft in 2012 on a very slow iPad. Thankfully I have since upgraded to a PC that I pretty much only use for minecraft and work. If I'm not playing minecraft you'll find me at work or in the gym. Fitness has become a passion of mine in recent years and has allowed me to lose over 27kgs improving my mental and physical health tremendously. I currently work an office job that I love but almost everyday you'll see me log in to DeadMC to continue building and expanding Squish Town. Having such a friendly server with lovely members is something I value a lot.

Why do I think I'd be a good suit for the Jr Moderator Role?

I value having a positive community. When players (usually new ones) become disrespectful and or break the rules I am quick to give them a friendly reminder of the rules. Often it's because they either haven't read the rules yet or forgot (everyone slips up sometimes) but on occasions where it is a deliberate attempt to disrespect the DeadMC community I report them. 

I am very active on this server, often I am online when there are no moderators. If I was accepted in the Jr Moderator role it could fill a gap of time that is missing during these times. My playtime is currently 21.08 days.

Throughout my time as a member I have been welcoming and helpful to all players when required. I have welcomed 343 players in my time on the server. I have a public mob grinder (zombie_xp) and receive messages from members on an almost daily basis because they have accidently dropped something, I will never keep these items and always get them back to the owner if notified.

I am and will continue to be supportive of all players and their achievements no matter how small.
I'd love to be a Jr Moderator, I want to help keep this server fun and safe for all members.

Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,

Discord: Squish8490

P.S Should the Jr Mod role not be available, I would like to be considered for a helper role.



Junior Moderator Application 9 months ago