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Gr1ef3r Member
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Registered:about 1 year ago
Last Seen:about 1 month ago
Profile Views:271
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Hi, I am very annoyed of how this was treated and now I will be going to use necissary actions against the server and I am now demanding an email address so my Lawyer can get in contact.

Lawyer about 1 month ago

As I recieved no input from anyone for the past couple days I am now demanding an email so my lawyer can get in contact to get me conpensation without having it go further but if necissary I will go to extreme widths to get my money back ! 

Lawyer about 1 month ago

This is not resolved as snicko wanted to speak with me over discord but hasn't gave me the oppertunity and my lawyer says that I am due conpensation!


Lawyer about 1 month ago

If I do not have this situation resolved within the next 7 days me and my lawyer will persue legal action against the owner of the server!

Lawyer about 1 month ago

I and my lawyer are still waiting for a response either you give the gmail so he can get in contact or we settle it trough discord which has not yet happened.


Lawyer about 1 month ago