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17 posts
11 topics
about 1 year ago

Id like to appeal a ban I believe was placed unfairly. I was minding my own business and trying to make a deal with Ion. When he made a huge fit and disconnected from MC and started to obviously blame me for the disconnection. He accused me in public chat, I defended myself from the attacks that he and Dani made towards me. 

I have been a long term player on this server and have helped many players on the server, have organized events to BENEFIT this server, and have given away ranks. 

I would like this to be considered. 

t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Hello Sadsnake!

We take our roles as staff seriously and don't tolerate any kind of disrespect and harassment towards anyone, as we try to keep our community a safe environment.
This wasn't the first time you caused trouble, and were punished accordingly. Due to your previous ban history, this one was permanent.
As a long time player, you should be well aware of the rules, and furthermore, your helper application confirmed that you knew our rules.
At no point any staff members attacked you, merely explained that the behavior you displayed in the main chat was uncalled for and inappropriate.

We believe that not enough time has passed for you to learn your lesson, and we want you to take a break off the server for longer to reflect over your actions, as you don't seem very apologetic or understanding of the reason why you were banned.
With that said, for the time being, your ban appeal is denied. You may reappeal in the future if you wish.