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TallSniper Application for Helper Role
bigshow308 Member
3 posts
2 topics
over 2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I TallSniper, would like to be considered for the role of Helper. I have been enjoying this server for a period of time now and I have enjoyed the friendships I have created. 

I would like to share a little about myself. I am 37 years old (seriously still enjoying Minecraft) I am a member of the law enforcement community in North Carolina, USA. I have three children that also play games online (although not Minecraft). As a parent I want to promote a safe environment for players and I enjoy the PG aspect of DeadMC which was a contributing factor towards my donation to the server. I swore I would keep to myself and play the game but I have recently witnessed activities on the server that are ... inappropriate to joke about in a public forum. 

I understand the role of helper is but the first and highly influential step in the progression to moderator but I would like my involvement in being a friendly player that is highly motivated to help others as I have proven with my time on our server. I ask for your consideration in accepting me as a Helper so I may help promote the server as it is intended friendly and safe.

NaVI Senior Moderator
32 posts
0 topics
over 2 years ago

Hi bigshow308!

Thanks so much for applying! We'll be in contact about the application as soon as possible ☺

bigshow308 Member
3 posts
2 topics
over 2 years ago

Thank you for your response NaVi, I will be happy to provide proof for my above statements in a non-public forum (discord).