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Public Nuisance Ban (Pending Ban)
Graham_D Member
3 posts
1 topics
9 months ago

Hi, So I was recently banned for public nuisance and trying to find loopholes in rules.

After reflecting on the whole situation I have realised that what I did was definitely not ok and I will make sure I will not do anything like this again or instigate any arguments. I have been playing this server since 2021 and I really would like to be unbanned so I can play again. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal and I would really appreciate considering reversing my ban.

t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
9 months ago

Hello Graham!

I appreciate you reflecting on your behavior and apologizing, but unfortunately after the ban was issued we found out concerning details that involved you that simply can't be fixed with an apology. To add onto the ban, your friends got invited on our discord server and attempted to dox another player as well as threatened to DDoS them in private messages, going as far as obtaining their sensitive information. Not only that, but they also attempted to do the same on our minecraft server. I hope you realize that this is a real crime and your actions could have put them in real danger mentally, physically or even resulted in life loss, all this over an argument. This is dangerous, reckless behavior that could have ended badly and we can't risk it repeating again.

You're an old player of DeadMC and you should have known better than to escalate and/or provoke the player into an argument. You know we don't work like that and you always ping staff/make a ticket when you have an issue with another player.
Unfortunately this is not your first ban and due to the severity of your actions, we have decided that you've had enough chances to mature, learn and grow, which you chose not to do. Enough is enough, and because of this we have to deny you this and any future ban appeal.


Graham_D Member
3 posts
1 topics
9 months ago

First of all I had no idea about any of my friends plans to do anything to any member of this server and Im very shocked seeing you saying this now.  Please please just consider unbanning I really am truly sorry to any harm I have done to a player and I really just want to play this server again because not only do i enjoy grinding it but I have spent 100 plus euro on this and it would be a shame for this money to go to waste. Please consider this because I would be very upset for my own money to go to waste. And Im very sorry I for some reason did not think to submit a ticket when I had an issue with another player

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Graham_D Member
3 posts
1 topics
9 months ago

Sorry and I want to add another note that I truly have understood the severity of this situation and if my ban is reversed I will do everything in my power to make thing right.



t0the4rk Senior Moderator
56 posts
0 topics
9 months ago

I understand this can be disheartening to hear after putting in so much money and work, and while I understand it may be hard to let go, but I believe It's best for us to move on and for you to find a different server to play, because while you truly may have not intended for this situation to become this serious, it is your responsibility to bear, as you have invited them to our server to gang up on a player instead of raising a ticket. The whole DDoSing and doxxing part is the cherry on top that makes this even more unforgivable than it was before, and for the safety of our players, we can't allow this to happen again. Having you on the server would be dangerous and would cause a lot of uncomfortable feelings given what you had done. It would be unfair to the victim to just allow you back like nothing happened after a simple "sorry".

This is a consequence of this choice, as you've played DeadMC since 2021 and are well acquainted with the rules and still chose to try and find loopholes around them a day prior only to escalate a fight when it left a sour aftertaste in our players and tell your friends to join in on that.
This is behavior that has been present for 3 years and you've had more than enough bans to learn from it. Unfortunately our decision is final.

Have a nice day, and take care.

Last edited: 9 months ago