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scotybeameup Member
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Registered:about 1 year ago
Last Seen:about 1 year ago
Profile Views:274
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I love minecraft because there is so much to do in game! Between the redstone and the fights (especially in hardcore) where you only live once is an amazing feature! I prefer to use DeadMC's servers because I absolutely love how there's special zombies. When I found out that some of the zombies can climb and the mini zombies blow up. That may have just scared the living crap out of me! I love how there's multiple towns/bases to share with other people and the community is amazing too. I've met so many new players and love helping them to get tasks(such as finding, and curing zombie villagers and leading them into new bases). I love to meet other players and find other ways to help them(or in some cases they help me too!). I usually play other games like Apex and Warthunder (fighter pilot/shooter fps game). But my go to game is always minecraft since I never seem to get bored of it. 

I really want to be a staff member because of the fact that I love helping other players and I'd love to be of some use on this server!

Thank you for the opportunity to join the community

staff application :helper about 1 year ago