Hi, so when exactly is that gonna be? I'd appreciate it if I could get a definitive response on the matter in the near future.
Hello, my IGN is dodymmawsjx. Tbh, I don't remember how long ago I was banned. Anyways, I'm making this appeal because I wanted to check in on how the server is doing. I haven't been able to find another server with quite the same sort of experience as this one since then and wanted to give this one a go again. Not sure if I've been reset or not considering I'm a donor, but I'd like to get the chance to see how the server has been faring since I've been gone. I don't usually spend real money on servers, so me donating to yours should say something about how I feel about its experience. If you can find it in your heart to make this water under the bridge, I'd appreciate it very much. If not, then I wish you and your server's community the best of luck.