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Metalpizza Moderator
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Registered:10 months ago
Last Seen:2 months ago
Profile Views:123
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Hi, I'm Metalpizza and I would like to apply for the Helper role.

I joined Deadmc from one of those websites that gives you a list of servers based on a theme, the theme being zombie, because I just finished watching 28 days later and wanted to try to experience that while also getting back into Minecraft.

I originally joined in while i was on 1.12.2 so a lot of features were broken, so I eventually switched to 1.20 (even though i hate the crouching animation). I probably would have quit Deadmc early on but I had been looking for a server that wasn't just minigames. I used to play on this server called BeanBlockz, it was ran by this youtuber and he eventually just handed over control to the Sr. mods and it went down from their and eventually closed down. even since then I've been trying to find a server than was all the good things and none of the bad. I even tried 2b2t (yikes).

I feel that i would be good as a helper because not only do i feel like a have a good understanding of this server and its rules and commands, and Minecraft as a whole. 

Favorite movies: Escape From New York, The Thing (1982), Home Alone 1 (not so much 2) (did you know their were 5 home alone sequels in total??), The Stuff, Nope, This is the end, The Martian, Pacific rim, Tremors 1-3, Matrix (all but 4)

Favorite games: Minecraft, Left for dead 2, Wolfenstein: the new order, Scorn, Hyper Demon, Atomic heart, Star wars battlefront 2, Predator Hunting Grounds, Mario Kart, Mk11, Tekken7, Centipede, Doom 2016 and Eternal

Favorite food: Canadian Bacon

Favorite Drink: water or Ice sparkling water

Hope this is good lol :)


Helper Application 9 months ago