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MEan_panTS Helper
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Registered:about 1 year ago
Last Seen:10 months ago
Profile Views:276
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Thank you. I'll make sure to do my best and fulfill the position as best as I can.

Helper Application about 1 year ago

Alright sounds good. Thank you for looking at it. And I will.

Helper Application about 1 year ago

Also I'm sorry that I didn't include this but I am Northern America on the eastern coast so my time is the same as New York's

Helper Application about 1 year ago

Hi I'm MEan_panTS. And I'd like to be a helper.

I mainly want to do this because I think it would be enjoyable to help out with the community for the server. I say this because even though I haven't been on this server for the longest time it has been the highlight of what I've been doing with my time for me. And I have been enjoying helping out other players whenever I was able too. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the people I have met on this server and have talked to over my time on it.

I'm not the most comfortable giving out personal info but I will say some things about myself.

I've been playing Minecraft since it's been released and I have thoroughly enjoyed it over that 12 year span. Some of my favorite things about it was the ability to use your imagination in the game and it's amazing infinite replayability. I've also loved the way of how easy it was to make new friends using the game even if you never met in real life those people you met could end up being life long bonds.

Some things about me. I'm in a martial art program for the last two years which has been very enjoyable. I haven't been the best at it but I'm trying my best with it. I do theater tech as my part time job. Which has showed me amazing opportunities and has helped me meet some amazing people. I also like to read in my spare time. I more tend to read Fiction though I do enjoy reading Non-fiction from time to time.

Some more about me.              My favorite games are Minecraft,Fallout,Skyrim,  Cyberpunk and Zelda   I enjoy classic all types off food. I also listen to anything. (You name it I've listened to it. Though I may not remember it all to well). My favorite beverage is sweet Tea. I also have 5 pets in total 2 dogs 3 cats. And I share the same current time as New York.


Also sorry if it's written in a very odd way I'm not the best when it comes to writing.

From MEan_panTS

Helper Application about 1 year ago