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LilCloud420 Member
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Registered:about 1 year ago
Last Seen:about 1 year ago
Profile Views:297
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Thanks WING! Whatever the decision I will continue to Try my best to help the Community!

Helper Application about 1 year ago

Hello DeadMC Team! Its LilCloud420, or for short just "Cloud". After Talking with other players on the server: (As well as a recently promoted Helper MEan_panTS), I have decided to apply for a Helper position on the server. Although I haven't been playing DeadMc for very long I have already grown to love it! The friendly community, lack of complexity, and just overall energy of the server is perfect for me! Let me start by telling you a few things about myself that I feel would apply greatly with being a helper on the server. I have been playing Minecraft since I was about 7 years old (I am now 20). With Little to no gaps in this timespan. I was once a Moderator on a Mianite based server called FadedRoyals (No Longer Running) Where I helped keep the server safe, as well as helped engage the community until the servers untimely closing. I am currently one of the most well-known and a very high-ranking player on another very popular server I play on (Unsure if I can say what server so I won't), Where I Have recorded 2 Tutorial videos on YouTube so far, both reaching more than 100 views and channel reaching around 20 subscribers so far. I also do streams on Twitch where I collaborate with People on the servers I play on and help new players grow with all my tips and tricks I learn. I Am still yet to make any content on DeadMc But doing so as a helper would help tell people they are getting their information in the right place so I feel it would help the server. One of my personal hobbies is making music, I have gathered more than 5000 streams total on my music so far as a small r&b/Pop artist. Thank You for taking the time to read.  -Cloud☁

Helper Application about 1 year ago