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LegacyAlejaYT Member
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Registered:4 months ago
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Greetings to all of you part of the DeadMC staff,


Before I begin my application, I would like to clarify some things that happened a couple of weeks or maybe even a month ago. My username is Legacy_AlejaYT and my discord is tseunknown with the display name XxRoboticShadow. A few weeks back, my discord account was shown to give a free winter gift card code or something like that, this was not me. Not only did it occur on the DeadMC discord, but it happened to every discord server and to all my friends, this even got me banned on half the discord servers I was part of. When I say it was not me, I really mean it was not, and I was hacked. This hack was not the first time and also not after me, they tried to get my two main best friends' info and knew they could through me somehow. Thankfully, discord immediately logged me out of my account, and I changed my password and saved many accounts. I also used my alt, iconicgaming._ to quickly notify the moderator known as Metal. To this present day, my main account is still banned from the discord server but is still in use by me only, I am hoping that I get unbanned and soon get to become a junior mod. With that out of the way, I'm here to become either a helper or junior mod to really help everyone more than I could during the hack. I know how to handle things calmly until they pull the last string of mine that withholds my composure. I know how to stop most hacks in the act (I'm sorry that I cannot stop it before it happens.) I have played DeadMC on multiple Minecraft account such as my oldest one being XdroidYT8420. Life is short, sometimes you don't realize it is to late to give someone or something a chance greatness or forgiveness. Some rise, others fall, you can never hold both to salvation and cleanliness. My hopes are to become a junior mod and then a moderator before my life ends. But you know what they say... When one door closes, another one opens. Thank you to the staff of DeadMC.



Discord to add or talk to me: tseunknown

Discord display name: XxRoboticShadow

Legacy_AlejaYT re-application about 1 month ago

Also, good luck to me. I am challenging myself to go from my base all the way to Longdale... ON FOOT!

LegacyAlejaYT Application about 1 month ago

Big greetings Squishmyface1!

Thank you for reviewing my application last month and I think I remember you from long ago!

LegacyAlejaYT Application about 1 month ago

Hello, my name is LegacyAlejaYT and I would like to apply for helper. My reasons are because I help new players, I'm friendly, I'm there to help those in need, I understand the game, and last but not least I put other players needs before my own. You can even ask the player Shaddow313. When they first joined, I told them to teleport to me while I was getting ready to build and then made them a place to live on the water near my little island which I eventually lived on the man-made island I worked on. My deepest apologies if I am talking too much, but I will end with I spent all the coins I had on me that day on making them feel at home, and now they live on the mainland now.

LegacyAlejaYT Application 4 months ago