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Artorius05 Member
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Registered:about 1 year ago
Last Seen:6 months ago
Profile Views:285
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I have also taken the time to carefully read through the entire rules list multiple times, for myself to benefit to knowing all the rules as I made this application

A 2nd attempt to apply to DeadMC "Helper" Role 12 months ago

Dear DeadMC Administration Team,

I am writing to express interest in reapplying for the Helper role within the DeadMC community. I understand that there have been recent issues that led to my ban from the server, and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my apologies for any disruption or inconvenience my actions may have caused.

Upon reflection, I recognize that my behavior was not in line with the standards and expectations of the DeadMC community. I deeply regret any harm or frustration that my actions may have caused to fellow players, moderators, and administrators. I understand the importance of maintaining a positive and respectful environment within the server, and I am committed to upholding these values moving forward. I am genuinely passionate about the DeadMC community and the experiences it offers to players.

I believe that the Helper role presents an opportunity for me to contribute positively to the community, to assist fellow players, and to help foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere within the server. I fully understand the gravity of my past actions and the importance of earning back the trust of the community. If given the chance, I am dedicated to proving myself as a reliable, responsible, and respectful staff member of the DeadMC team.

I am committed to learning from my mistakes, to adhering to the rules and guidelines of the server, and to actively promoting a positive and enjoyable environment for all. Thank you for your time to considering my application.

Sincerely, Artorius05

A 2nd attempt to apply to DeadMC "Helper" Role 12 months ago

Dear DeadMC Administration Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My Minecraft username is Artorius05, and I am writing to appeal a ban that was imposed on my , and I sincerely apologize for any disruption or inconvenience caused Due to a specific family member under my roof.

As of right now I should be on my way to a new house away from my siblings with a different parent, to prevent further complications If the ban ends up being lifted.

In addition to expressing my sincere apologies, I am also willing to accept any appropriate consequences for my actions. Whether it be a temporary suspension or permanent restrictions placed on my account, I am committed to demonstrating my willingness to abide by the rules and rebuild trust within the community.

Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to the possibility of being reinstated on DeadMC.

Sincerely, Artorius05

Ban Appeal For (Artorius05) about 1 year ago

Hello, I am Artorius05 in the DeadMC server, I would like to try out for helper so I can help with things etc. If it makes it better I am online everyday, Another reason I would like to become a helper is, I would like to help mods+ with issues if needed, and for that I hope whom ever reads this has a nice rest of their day!.

I would want to try out for helper about 1 year ago